Friday, September 21, 2012

the thumb

Since this interests a few of you, the thumbnail sketch that precedes the pencils shown below. This is created after the dialogue is nearly set in stone - or at least the timing of the dialogue. I have to plan each panel to lead eye into correct balloons and images, and to have enough information in the panel to get certain things across, like being in a kitchen. It usually changes on the way to pencils and this is no different. A funny drawing of Feast was too good not to use in the final panel; it changed the layout of the panel only slightly and for the better. His expression introduced a new plot element that the "play some soliatire" in-joke refers forward to. (anyone else know what movie this bit is referencing?) Also, the lower left panel needed to be flipped to get the second word ballon to work the way I wanted with the face.
Lookit me, Im making a making of.

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