Monday, January 28, 2013

Maybe this?

Well, what the hell.. the simple graphic shapes may be the answer. Adds enough interest without slowing the eye down. That's what I 'm thinking, anyway...

Sunday, January 27, 2013


UGH, backgrounds. Still messing with the next few pages, unsure how to approach. In pen and ink days I could noodle away with cross hatching and shape the background, not so much digitally. The forced simplification of line works wonders on my character drawings but wreaks havoc on creating some sort of backdrop.
Lost the squiggly lines, revised Scooter's tone to resemble real Scooter a bit more..
I think I prefer the flat tones over the gradation and squigglies seen in earlier post. But then it also looks boring and flat. sigh. Need perspective. And a sodie pop.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

RARE Crazy Bob for the fans

Appreciated the loving heaped on Crazy bob tonight at Facebook. Crazy Bob is a property I have struggled with for decades. It does not come easy, it is difficult to find more situations worth explotiing. And I also have tremendous difficulty drawing him, humans in general. Aliens and funny animals are much more fun to draw and they MOVE! CB stands around sweating while appliances taunt him.
Here's some not-finished, early takes and half baked ideas - including a page inked by Sam (The Maxx) Kieth.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

3D fun, continued

Whooof, no blog post in too many days. Well the Holidays are behind me and I have no excuse, time to get back to work on Lionheart. 
But in the meantime, training in 3D. Had to put a fake soda print on this can, to avoid legal issues, but this is more about lighting and water and creating water drops with hair tools. Pay no attention to the label, but enjoy the wet action!