Friday, March 23, 2012

A Work In Progress

Working, in fits and starts, on a fun project for Keith O'Brien, a stalwart cartoonist and animal lover, whose PostKards have enriched my mailbox for years.

A preview of how things come together when you work on them 2 hours every 4 weeks.

I had Sam all sketched out when I learned he has a roman nose and curly blond hair. Sigh.

one more old timer

The last import from the old cattywampus

Year Old Vodak is the best

Another from the archives of old

SPACED, The Final Front Ear

From the OLD blog!

Building the cover to Spaced #3..

two stages of the pencil roughs

Dark Teddy Pencils

Dismaying final result

A VODAK rerun

It's rerun season at cattywampus as I bring the best of the old blog to the new.

From OLD BLOG: The Original Cattywampus!

I first used the name on a single panel effort, and man, do I mean effort. Telling a good joke - a surprise, a new joke - in a panel - is tough indeed. My admiration for the few masters of the medium grew even more. Here's the few I finished.

My sketchbook has another dozen or so ideas, but pulling them into a coherent gag that I was satisfied with often eluded me and the lack of any deadline or payment for the creation kinda made it too easy to not finish. Here's some sketchbook bits.

Inspired by a true event, where three of us saw a yard with signs posting "no checks" and "bad dog" and broke out in uncontrollable laughter. I think we all pictured something a little different; what I got out of it was "I told that stupid dog never to take checks!" Could also be an admoniton not to write checks. And maybe you had to be there.

"What the - it - it's made of Chocolate!!          "What kind of SICK JOKE is this!?"
Dogs Don't Get Easter
As we all know, dogs are allergic to chocolate and only some sort of sick freak would make a delicious, yummy dog enticing bunny out of the dreaded bean. 
Almost certainly my best gag for the series, but I never went back to it. Mark Martin later finished it up on facebook.

Sorry, pal, the sign says HAPPY hour.
Shortly after drawing this, I went - wait a  minute - isn't this a Gahan Wilson Cartoon already? And lost it.

Why your cat doesn't come in when you call him.
I was halfway through this - the cat is behind a shed while owner calls - when I once again realized, wait, this is a Gary Larson cartoon already.

Maybe there will be more.

From the OLD BLOG!

MERGING the best of the old cattywampus blog with the new!

Blogging is harder than I thought! The toons were well received so I will take the easy route of posting more toons of mine that have been barely seen, if at all. Let's go wayyyy back and check out some 80s cartoonery of mine. My drawing and lettering skills were nothing to brag about but I have nothing bad to say about my own writing!

Some of these appeared in J.R. Riley's Comic Informer. JR was an early advocate of my stuff.

This is of course TV's Batman and Robin of the 60s..

HERE is a very filthy comic about Superboy's first boner. This is one of the funniest goddamn things I ever came up with, and my feeble execution of the images fails to ruin the fun. I have tried to redraw this many times, even as a Flash cartoon. The correct version would have to ape a late 50s Superboy comic perfectly. George Papp style. Maybe someday it will be done the way it was originally conceived. I used to think it too dirty for mass appeal, now it is barely rude enough for the Cartoon Network.
Here's the SECOND attempt, the first existing as rough scrapbook pages.

Concerned about D.C. dragging me into court, a THIRD version got scratched out as Mightyboy!!