Tuesday, November 1, 2011

CAIN is not ABLE.

OKAY, believe me, I have avoided several dozen political posts, but this one, come on, even I cannot resist. Dear "anybody-but-Obamers" - step back. Imagine if Obama said something along these lines. You'd disembowel him and mock him endlessly. Entire days would be lost to Facebook postings about his attempts to twist the answers and avoid the truth. Every day you justify your support for obvious liars, charlatans, candidates who assume you are a complete idiot - simply because "they are not Obama" - you indicate to me that you are not serious about the country, the vote, or the reason Obama must go.

In coming to his own defense; however, Cain said that because he could not recollect certain incidents taking place, that doesn't mean they didn't occur.
Asked if he's ever seen a financial settlement paid to one of two women who accused him of sexual harassment, Cain said, "No. I don't recall signing it. Now, the fact that I say I don't recall signing it doesn't mean that I didn't sign it, but I simply don't recall if I signed it."

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