Saturday, April 21, 2012

Rewarding Freelance

What fun!! If only freelance was more like this and less like reality. This is the halfway mark of creating icons for web links. They will be very small indeed so it's all about reduction of detail and using bold strokes. It's something I never was able to achieve till I hit my 40s. Somehow, whether through laziness or maturity, I found myself able to let go of cross hatching and zipatone and not worry about the shape as much as the idea it communicates. Work like this makes me smile when it comes out of me!! Make no mistake, I'd rather have Wally Wood's eye than Keith Harings. But I am proud of these little blobs of graphite.


  1. These are GREAT, Tom! And I completely know what you mean about the difficulty of letting-go of cross-hatching. I used cross-hatching as therapy almost, meditating on creating light and shadow but not really improving the quality of the drawings, putting so much extra detail work into fundamentally flawed drawings, when the time would have been better spent! (Not saying the latter part applies to you, just me!)

  2. Whenever I see some sampling of icons like this, I gotta wonder what specifics are they represent. I usually come up with a bizarre backstory that has nothing to do with the actual project. This grouping lends itself to a clown bakery, except for the vicious stapler.

  3. Good call Keith - actually each is for a specific radio spot, but that sure is Yeasty the Clown, thrower of fine pastries.
