Monday, September 4, 2023

 Here’s a look at my process from story boards to first level sketch. The 8 1/2 x 11 page is my rough thumbnail for where the characters need to be and dialogue balloons must be placed. To the left or the initial sketches which are also roughs, tighter than a thumbnail, but definitely not finished drawing. They will go to one more stage of penciling and tightening up before I move them to the iPad and ink them with Clip Studio. Then I will go into Photoshop for additional toning.

Monday, August 7, 2023

Finally, an end to writers' block

After at least a  year, I have found my way back to finishing the Spaced story begun for the 400+ page digital edition. Picking up where I left off, here are some previews WIP panels...


Wednesday, June 21, 2023


 Since Amazon absorbed Comixology, my digital comics are no longer available. The hoops required aren't appealing, since I rarely sell more than $20 a year? So here we go - FREE for YOU _ the color version of my Plastron Cafe feature. Never printed or published in color beyond the 400 page Spaced compilation. Enjoy!!